Trade Mission

AfroEuro Foundation is thrilled to announce a trade mission in collaboration with the Ghana Northern Regional Coordinating Council, poised to bridge the gap between two dynamic sectors—Agribusiness and Specialty Nut Products—during a focused trip to the Netherlands.

Dated for October 4th and 5th, 2023, this trade mission exemplifies our belief in the power of collaborations. With a dedication to fostering growth, innovation, and global partnerships, we are excited to present this two-day mission that unites the Northern Region with the Netherlands.

Sectors and Products Focus:

  1. Agribusiness: Explore the vibrant world of agribusiness, where agricultural innovation meets economic opportunity. Discover novel ways to enhance sustainable farming practices, cultivate agro-processing enterprises, and forge mutually beneficial partnerships that transcend geographical boundaries.
  2. Sheabutter: Delve into the realm of natural skincare and wellness with a focus on sheabutter. Learn about the production, benefits, and diverse applications of this valuable commodity. Engage with industry pioneers and seek collaborative prospects within the skincare and cosmetics sector.
  3. Sheanut: Uncover the potential of sheanut, a versatile ingredient with applications ranging from culinary to cosmetic. Engage in discussions about processing techniques, market trends, and avenues for cross-sector collaboration.
  4. Cashew Nut: Embark on a journey through the lucrative world of cashew nuts. Gain insights into production, processing, and trading of this sought-after commodity. Forge connections with stakeholders in the food and snack industries.
  5. CEREALS: (White/Yellow Maize, Rice, Sorghum)
  6. Legumes: ( Soybean, Groundnut, Cowpea)
  7. Root and tubers: ( Yam, cassava, sweet potato)
  8. Vegetables (Tomato, Cucumber, Carrots, Pepper etc)
  9. Tree crops: (Shea, Cashew, Mango)


Forge Bilateral Trade Relations: This trade mission serves as a bridge between Northern Region enterprises and their Dutch counterparts, creating a fertile ground for meaningful connections. Strengthen international ties that pave the way for lasting growth and collaboration.

🌐 Explore Business Opportunities: Open the door to a realm of untapped potential as you engage with industry leaders, visionaries, and innovators. The trade mission provides an unparalleled platform to discover synergies, exchange ideas, and initiate ventures that drive progress.

🗨️ Networking & Knowledge Exchange: From structured discussions to interactions, seize the opportunity to share insights, gain valuable knowledge, and expand your professional network.

For further details and registration, kindly reach out to Mr. Vincent Gambrah at +31 6 2196 7533 or via email at

AfroEuro Foundation: Weaving Connections Between Regions, Paving the Way for New Opportunities.