Afroeuro Foundation

About Us

Who We Are

AfroEuro Foundation is a dynamic Non-Governmental Organization established in 2003 with a steadfast commitment to a global perspective. Our mission centers around fostering a positive image for the African diaspora in Europe and mobilizing their immense capacity and resources for comprehensive economic development in Africa.

Guided by the motto “Building Bridges,” AfroEuro serves as a catalyst for mutual understanding and knowledge exchange between advanced economies and the African continent. Embracing the principles of NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa’s Development), we forge collaborations with African diaspora professionals, networks, governments, and youth. Our collective aim is to elevate Africa’s active participation in the realms of global health, economy, commerce, and trade.

Additionally, we play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between African diasporas and their host countries in Europe. Through strategic initiatives, we promote policy influence, empowerment, education, capacity building, and the transfer of knowledge. In doing so, we aspire to create a more interconnected and prosperous world, where the African diaspora is at the forefront of positive change both at home and abroad.